Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Turkey Tuesday!

Over $10,000 donated to Children First Academy from our community!

Thank you Target!

Thank you Christopher's!

Over 160 families served!

Over 50 volunteers (including our amazing Assistant Superintendent and our SLC Leadership Cadre)

Amidst the doom and gloom of talking head media types - we stand as a witness to the greater good of our community in serving, giving and setting the pace for the world in this time of celebration.

It is a hopeful time to be alive - a great time to lead and serve - a wonderful time to grow!

Children First Academy follows that example and donated over 6 van/truck loads of goods to St. Vincent de Paul.

Giving and giving back. By small and simple things...

Life is brilliant!

Thank You Bank of America

Our Student Council traveled to meet with our Bank of America partners.

Bank of America once again generously shared food and friendship.

You all embody the Thanksgiving spirit. Enjoy your much deserved time with your families. See you soon.

Sequoia Family Learning Fieldtrip to CFA

Thank you so much to SFL, you all went above and beyond to show our third grade class a great time. The kids loved making their "dirt pudding". We look forward to your visits, they are heartfelt and meaningful to all of us here at CFA.

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Field Trip to Alliance Book Company

It was a wonderful adventure at Alliance Book Company Distributors. We had the fortune of discovering a multitude of books for our school library and our tutoring groups. The Alliance team was most generous with their time and resources.

Take the time to visit, check out their website at www.alliancebookcompany.com

Monday, November 17, 2008

Dance Lesson

We would like to thank Sequoia Family Learning for taking the time to come out and teach our dance group a few moves. The students and staff really enjoyed watching this group perform.

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Community Dental Mobile Clinic

118 cavities
98 fillings
10 extractions
10 crowns/root canals

106 healthy molars!

Community Dental Mobile Clinic

Three times a week?

Children First Academy - Phoenix Campus

Special thanks Jennifer Blair of Delta Dental AZ Foundation!
-300 youth toothbrushes
-300 adult toothbrushes
-600 tubes of toothpaste
-600 dental floss

Life is brilliant!